İnsan Kaynakları

Human Resources

Human Resources

imgFocus Group ensures the protection of information privacy of both its employees and customers by fulfilling its obligations within the scope of Personal Data Protection Law. Focus Group knows that the basic source of continuous improvement is human and approaches the recruitment processes with this awareness.

Focus Group selects and manages its employees according to contemporary criteria and by giving equal opportunities to everyone. Our human resources policy; to establish a family of highly motivated employees.

Focus Group prioritizes the values of Ethical Rules, Occupational Safety and Worker Health. Purpose of Focus Group Human Resources Management; To establish employee loyalty and incorporate our employees to our company by choosing dynamic and innovative people who are suitable for the job, who are happy in their position and who have ethical values.

Focus Group strives to maintain and develop its continuity and desire to be the best in its sector while growing. In this direction, it is among our top priorities to ensure that our employees develop their knowledge and skills in the most accurate way, to instill team spirit, to help our managers make fast and correct decisions by strengthening their managerial and coaching features, and to ensure that managers manage their teams in the best way.